Sure, finding bugs isn't necessarily the most glamorous thing in the world, but I get the feeling that a few of you will probably enjoy helping us make things better — and we'll certainly appreciate your help. At the end of the day, you'll be able to step back, longingly gaze at the end result, and say to yourself or, perhaps, even your children, "See that unexpected quit right there? That's right — you didn't! Because I totally did, years ago. And it got fixed. And it's never been there since. And I'm extremely hungry for dinner." Because, well, I am.
If you're interested, you can apply here.
That's all. Shortest blog post evar. I like these!
If it doesn't work for you, please email transmit@panic.com and let us know. Thanks!
This probably isn't the right forum, but if I don't say it now I probably never will. Two recent memories that bugged me:
Apple + D, forever reserved to be used to duplicate files in the finder and picked up by many other applications, executes a destructive disconnect. Pains me every time, if I want to log out I close the window.
Tabs: It's great that Transmit is springloaded (early Apple terminology for folders that open on drag/hover over or drag/hover space bar press), great that is sports tabs, not so great that the tabs don't conform. Many file dragging operations come to a smile-freezing end, because I can't get to my server behind the other tab. Could you do me a favour and add springloading to the tabs?
Other than that only positive memories.
Shame really.
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